In the second installment of “Right Side of the Law: Criminal Defense News,” Warner attorneys Madelaine Lane and James Liggins discuss best practices for when an employee receives a subpoena to testify as a witness for a deposition or a trial. It can be unnerving for an employee to receive a subpoena request – especially if it involves an incident at work. Employers can support employees in the subpoena process by providing external resources such as legal counsel. Legal counsel can provide the framework for the case at hand, walk the employee through the subpoena process, help prepare for testimony or deposition and provide reassurance throughout the various stages of the subpoena process. Madelaine and James address how employee handbooks can be useful in these situations and what additional steps are necessary if the incident happened at the workplace.
To view the video, click below.
What to Do When an Employee Receives a Subpoena
Look for additional Warner podcast recordings from Warner’s White Collar Criminal Defense Group.