Warner Norcross & Judd LLP will host a Data Solutions Symposium on Tuesday, March 14 in Grand Rapids.
The half-day program will feature updates and best practices on data collection, cybersecurity, eDiscovery, social media in the workplace, privacy and ransomware attacks. Registration begins at 8:15 a.m. at the Kroc Community Center, 2500 S. Division Ave. SW, and the program wraps up after a networking lunch shortly after noon.
“Within the next three years, we expect more than 50 billion devices will be connected to the Internet,” said Jay Yelton, a partner at Warner and co-chair of the Data Solutions Practice Group. “How does a business manage that data so that it can best protect itself, along with its customers, employees and other stakeholders?
“Our Data Solutions Symposium will provide access to experts who can offer real-world answers and best practices when it comes to eDiscovery, information governance, cybersecurity and privacy issues.”
The program will open at 8:45 a.m. with a general session focused on “2016: Recap and Lessons Learned.” The session will provide an overview of developments in the field that made headlines during the last year, as well as predictions for the year ahead.
Attendees can choose from sessions in two tracks. The first is focused on eDiscovery and information governance topics:
The second track highlights cybersecurity and privacy issues:
The program is available for continuing legal education credits for International Association of Privacy Professionals. For more information or to register, contact Sharon Sprague at 616.752.2326 or ssprague@wnj.com.
About Warner
By providing discerning and proactive legal advice, Warner Norcross + Judd LLP builds a better partnership with our clients. One of Michigan’s largest law firms, we’re focused on providing the best legal solutions and exceptional client service to organizations throughout the world. Connect with us on wnj.com, LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook.
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