What is it about Michigan and lawyers interested in AR?
I can still count on one hand the number of lawyers I've encountered worldwide who have given any serious amount of attention to augmented reality. But there is now a second one here in the Mitten State.
Andy Ninh (website / Twitter) is a law student at Michigan State University School of Law (where I've previously spoken on AR Law) and member of the school's Reinvent Law program (as is my friend and former colleague, Prof. Dan Linna). For the past couple years, Andy has been enthusiastically promoting the use of wearable technology and augmented reality to help lawyers deliver legal services to their clients more effectively. (A subject I explore as well in Chapter 10 of my upcoming book, Augmented Reality Law, Privacy, and Ethics.)
Ninh has some good ideas, and it looks like they're starting to get some attention. Below is a video about him produced by MSU, as well as a couple from Andy's own channels from past presentations he's given. I look forward to Andy's contribution to the legal industry.
Andy Ninh - Augmented Reality and On-Demand Legal Services ReInvent Law Silicon Valley from Andy Ninh on Vimeo.