Zachary L. "Zach" Nevenzel Staff Attorneyznevenzel@wnj.comKalamazooT 269.276.8136F 269.276.8300practicesLitigation and Dispute ResolutionData Analytics and eDiscoverypublicationsNew “Patent-Agent Privilege” Addition to List of Non-Attorney Privilege ClaimsJuly 28, 2016Plaintiffs Sanctioned for Failing to Produce Social Media DataFebruary 26, 2015
Zachary L. "Zach" Nevenzel Staff Attorneyznevenzel@wnj.comKalamazooT 269.276.8136F 269.276.8300Biography|CredentialspracticesLitigation and Dispute ResolutionData Analytics and eDiscoverypublicationsNew “Patent-Agent Privilege” Addition to List of Non-Attorney Privilege ClaimsJuly 28, 2016Plaintiffs Sanctioned for Failing to Produce Social Media DataFebruary 26, 2015educationThomas M. Cooley Law School (J.D.)Grand Valley State University (B.S.)Relativity Certified UseradmittedMichigan, 2009bar associations State Bar of Michigan