Nadia Selim Little
- Senior Counsel
My admin
- Ashlie Wegener
Employee Benefits/ERISA:
- Researches and analyzes the Internal Revenue Code and Internal Revenue Service guidance, including Revenue procedures, notices and publications.
- Researches and analyzes U.S. Departments of Treasury, Labor and HHS regulations and guidance.
- Drafts and amends qualified retirement plans and health and welfare plans.
- Manages and drafts qualified retirement plan restatements.
- Reviews and analyzes proposed Qualified Domestic Relations Orders.
- Advises employers and employee benefit plan design, compliance and administration.
- Advised Taft-Hartley Fringe Benefit Fund joint boards of trustees on ERISA compliance and fringe benefit fund design and administration.
- Prepares an
Employee Benefits/ERISA:
- Researches and analyzes the Internal Revenue Code and Internal Revenue Service guidance, including Revenue procedures, notices and publications.
- Researches and analyzes U.S. Departments of Treasury, Labor and HHS regulations and guidance.
- Drafts and amends qualified retirement plans and health and welfare plans.
- Manages and drafts qualified retirement plan restatements.
- Reviews and analyzes proposed Qualified Domestic Relations Orders.
- Advises employers and employee benefit plan design, compliance and administration.
- Advised Taft-Hartley Fringe Benefit Fund joint boards of trustees on ERISA compliance and fringe benefit fund design and administration.
- Prepares and manages Employee Plans Compliance Resolution System submissions to the IRS.
- Prepares and manages Delinquent Filer Voluntary Compliance Program and Voluntary Fiduciary Correction Program submissions to the Department of Labor.
- Reviews and advises on Form 5500 and Form 990 filings and related financial statements.
- Manages PBGC audits of defined benefit plan terminations.
- Negotiates various employee benefit plan service provider agreements.
- Drafts and negotiates HIPAA business associate agreements.
- Counsels employers on COBRA, HIPAA and Affordable Care Act compliance.
- Researches and analyzes federal and Michigan statutes, regulations and caselaw.
- Drafts employment, noncompetition, confidentiality and severance agreements, employment policies and employee handbooks.
- Counsels employers and individuals regarding resolution of employment issues.
- Advises employers on federal, state and local employment law compliance.
- Counsels employers on FMLA, ADA, ADEA, Title VII and Michigan employment law compliance.
- “Fringe Benefit Responsibilities for Contributing Employers in Taft-Hartley Plans,” Great Lakes Regional Center, Washtenaw Community College, April 25, 2024
- “The Effect of United States v. Windsor on Retirement and Welfare Benefit Plans,” ASPPA Regional Conference, Chicago, Illinois, June 6, 2014
- “Health Care Reform: Implications for Small Employers,” Ann Arbor SPARK Business Law & Order Employment 11 Meeting, March 2013
- “Legislative Update on Employee Benefits,” Washtenaw County Bar Association Joint Meeting of the Labor, Employment and Taxation Sections, January 2010
- “409A and Representation of the Business,” Washtenaw County Taxation and Labor & Employment Sections Meeting, November 2008
- “Taxation of Da
- “Fringe Benefit Responsibilities for Contributing Employers in Taft-Hartley Plans,” Great Lakes Regional Center, Washtenaw Community College, April 25, 2024
- “The Effect of United States v. Windsor on Retirement and Welfare Benefit Plans,” ASPPA Regional Conference, Chicago, Illinois, June 6, 2014
- “Health Care Reform: Implications for Small Employers,” Ann Arbor SPARK Business Law & Order Employment 11 Meeting, March 2013
- “Legislative Update on Employee Benefits,” Washtenaw County Bar Association Joint Meeting of the Labor, Employment and Taxation Sections, January 2010
- “409A and Representation of the Business,” Washtenaw County Taxation and Labor & Employment Sections Meeting, November 2008
- “Taxation of Damages in Employment Cases,” Washtenaw County Bar Association Labor & Employment Section, November 2006
- “Federal Health Care Legislation’s Impact on Employers,” Res Ipsa Loquitur July/August 2010
- “Drafting an Employee Handbook,” Institute of Continuing Legal Education, December 2008
- “Proposed Cafeteria Plan Regulations: An Introduction to New Guidance and Administrative Issues,” Michigan Tax Lawyer, Winter 2008
- “Federal Health Care Legislation’s Impact on Employers,” Res Ipsa Loquitur July/August 2010
- “Drafting an Employee Handbook,” Institute of Continuing Legal Education, December 2008
- “Proposed Cafeteria Plan Regulations: An Introduction to New Guidance and Administrative Issues,” Michigan Tax Lawyer, Winter 2008