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Kristina M.

  • Partner

Shareholder Disputes and Business Breakup Litigation

  • Advises business entities and business owners on strategy for resolving ownership disputes.
  • Routinely represents business entities, officers and directors defending against claims of minority oppression and breach of fiduciary duties.
  • Routinely represents business owners in prosecuting claims of minority oppression and breach of fiduciary duty.
  • Represents clients in all levels of ownership disputes, from pre-litigation consultation and strategy to mediation, arbitration and litigation.
  • Represented a buyer as a plaintiff in a breach of representations and warranties claim in federal court and secured a favorable settlement after defeating a motion for summary jud

Shareholder Disputes and Business Breakup Litigation

  • Advises business entities and business owners on strategy for resolving ownership disputes.
  • Routinely represents business entities, officers and directors defending against claims of minority oppression and breach of fiduciary duties.
  • Routinely represents business owners in prosecuting claims of minority oppression and breach of fiduciary duty.
  • Represents clients in all levels of ownership disputes, from pre-litigation consultation and strategy to mediation, arbitration and litigation.
  • Represented a buyer as a plaintiff in a breach of representations and warranties claim in federal court and secured a favorable settlement after defeating a motion for summary judgement.
  • Represented a family-owned tool and die business in state court to enforce confidentiality and noncompete provisions in a shareholder agreement and defend against claims of breach of contract, and secured a favorable settlement after depositions.
  • Represented a first-generation owner of a family-owned business in breach of fiduciary duty and conversion litigation against second generation owner and secured a favorable settlement.
  • Negotiated a favorable buyout for a second-generation owner that avoided application of valuation discounts.

Insurance Coverage and Risk Management Experience

  • Successfully briefed a dispositive motion on a first-party insurance coverage claim on behalf of a business owner in federal court, resulting in a favorable settlement for the client.
  • Successfully negotiated settlement of a first-party property insurance claim for a manufacturing company.
  • Regularly advises corporate clients and individuals on legal issues involving insurance, indemnity and risk management.
  • Regularly represents clients in insurance coverage disputes in federal and state courts.
  • Second-chair appellate counsel, Ile v. Foremost Ins. Co., 493 Mich. 915; 823 N.W.2d 426 (2012) (Michigan Supreme Court adopted insurance policy interpretation advanced by Warner and reversed lower courts’ judgment against client).

Complex Commercial Litigation Experience

  • First-chaired the defense of a multi-million dollar negligence claim against a provider of high-performance internet infrastructure services, and obtained a favorable settlement.
  • Local counsel for a medical device manufacturer in a products liability action in federal court.
  • Successfully argued and briefed a dispositive motion on behalf of a global furniture manufacturer in a product liability case.
  • Worked as part of a Warner legal team representing two major creditors as local counsel in Detroit’s bankruptcy.
  • Worked as part of a Warner legal team representing a government entity in a major infrastructure project.
  • Routinely represents corporate clients in all stages of litigation, including pleadings, discovery, motion practice, alternative dispute resolution and at trial.

Banking and Securities Litigation

  • Routinely advises banking clients on risk management and best practices related to deposit accounts.
  • Provides defense to national and local banks in deposit account and class action litigation in federal and state courts, obtaining favorable results for clients.
  • Defends broker-dealers in FINRA arbitrations and in state and federal court securities litigation, including cases involving negligence, breach of fiduciary duty, unsuitability and securities laws.

Regulatory Defense

  • Represented a financial institution in defense of an enforcement action by the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services, including the appeal of the final decision and a favorable settlement.
  • Regularly defends cannabis entities in enforcement actions by the Cannabis Regulatory Agency.
  • Represents and consults with clients on strategy for communicating with regulatory agencies when faced with compliance issues.

Document Retention and Information Management

  • Drafts Information Management and Document Retention policies and schedules for clients.
  • Consults with clients on managing litigation risk with respect to document retention and information management.
  • Serves as document retention counsel for a global manufacturing and distribution company.
Image for Kristina M. Munsters

Kristina M.

  • Partner
Grand Rapids

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