Cindy S. Thielman
- Paralegal
My admin
- Beverly Figueroa
- Preparation of initial drafts of wills, trusts and other estate planning documents for Michigan and Florida
- Determine venue for probate proceedings and prepare documents for commencement of proceedings and interim documents, such as Notices and Inventories
- Attend client conferences and correspond with personal representative or trustee and interested parties
- Correspond with banks, brokerage firms, insurance companies, accountants, and other financial institutions to collect asset information
- Correspond with creditors to obtain information and handle claim procedures
- Compile and value estate assets, verify ownership and arrange appraisals of real estate, household goods and other tangible personal property
- Preparation of initial drafts of wills, trusts and other estate planning documents for Michigan and Florida
- Determine venue for probate proceedings and prepare documents for commencement of proceedings and interim documents, such as Notices and Inventories
- Attend client conferences and correspond with personal representative or trustee and interested parties
- Correspond with banks, brokerage firms, insurance companies, accountants, and other financial institutions to collect asset information
- Correspond with creditors to obtain information and handle claim procedures
- Compile and value estate assets, verify ownership and arrange appraisals of real estate, household goods and other tangible personal property
- Open and maintain estate and trust checking or brokerage accounts
- Maintain contact with client by correspondence, telephone and office conferences
- Coordinate real estate sales and transfers
- Value assets on alternate valuation date
- Compile information required to prepare federal estate tax return
- Prepare principal and income accountings for estates and trusts
- Draft documents to transfer assets
- Consolidate assets for distribution and coordinate final distributions to beneficiaries
- Fund Family and Marital Trusts
- Draft miscellaneous petitions related to Wills and Trusts for filing in Probate Court