Strengths Snapshot
- Augmented reality/virtual reality/mixed reality
- Blockchain
- Battery electric vehicles and other automotive ingenuity
- Social media
- Drones
- Intellectual property, trademarks, trade dress, copyrights and IP enforcement
- Contractual/terms and conditions counsel
- Emerging media and technology litigation
Representative Experience
Our clients range from startups responsible for some of the most innovative and awarded AR/VR devices and content on the market, to trade associations and established multinationals looking to capitalize on the rapid innovation happening across the technological spectrum. Examples of what our lawyers have done include:
- Filing a ground-breaking First Amendment lawsuit challenging a municipal ordinance, adopted in response to Pokemon Go, that purported to regulate the publication of location-based augmented reality games (Candy Lab Inc. v. Milwaukee County, No. 17-CV-569 (E.D. Wis. 2017)).
- Litigated a cutting-edge case now discussed in copyright textbooks that clarified the boundaries of copyright protection in digital imagery (Meshwerks, Inc. v. Toyota Motor Sales USA, Inc., 528 F. 3d 1258 (10th Cir. 2008) (Gorsuch, J.)).
- Trademark litigation over one of the world’s popular trademarks in the virtual reality industry.
- Advising the United States Senate on augmented reality legal issues.
- Representing a global trade association responsible for industry-leading conferences on augmented reality, virtual reality, internet of things (IoT) and wearable technologies.
- Drafting several software contracts related to IoT and related applications.
- Advising clients on the ethical use of artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and other emerging technology as it relates to: the First Amendment and freedom of speech; patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade dress and intellectual property; customer, supplier and vendor contracts; data breach and privacy threats; negligence, personal injury and products liability; marketing and advertising for AR/VR publishers; marketing and advertising legal counsel; drafting of privacy policies and terms and conditions for a variety of digital content.
- Advising on privacy issues presented by drones and demonstrating thought leadership on drone legal issues.
- Drafting requests for waivers from drone usage regulations.
- Obtaining removal of infringing, defamatory, and revenge porn content from social media sites and virtual worlds for global brands such as Starbucks and in new circumstances presenting issues of first impression.
- Advising major brands on social media marketing, compliance with FTC regulations, and corporate social media policies – including responding to employee misuse of social media.
- Educating judges, attorneys and businesspeople in the legal issues arising from social media, AR/VR and drones.
Videos and Podcasts
Darabase Meets Brian Wassom to Discuss AR Technology
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Attorney Reviews: Apple Vision Pro
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Will Apple Vision Pro Open the Door to More AI Deepfake Scams?
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Financing Your Startup
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Hidden Dangers in the Use of Artificial Intelligence
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Legal Issues With Commercial Drone Photography
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Intellectual Property Infringement in the NFT Space
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Intellectual Property in Higher Education Part 2: Patents + Copyrights
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Intellectual Property in Higher Education Part 1: Trademarks + Licensing
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The Cutting Edge: Warner’s Emerging Media and Technologies Industry Update
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- Darabase Meets Brian Wassom to Discuss AR TechnologyThe Cutting Edge: Warner’s Emerging Media and Technologies Industry Update
- Attorney Reviews: Apple Vision ProThe Cutting Edge: Warner’s Emerging Media and Technologies Industry Update
- Will Apple Vision Pro Open the Door to More AI Deepfake Scams?The Cutting Edge: Warner’s Emerging Media and Technologies Industry Update
- Financing Your StartupThe Cutting Edge: Warner’s Emerging Media and Technologies Industry Update
- Artificial Intelligence or How the Terminator StartedWarner Employment News from the Law Shanty
- Hidden Dangers in the Use of Artificial IntelligenceThe Cutting Edge: Warner’s Emerging Media and Technologies Industry Update
- Legal Issues With Commercial Drone PhotographyThe Cutting Edge: Warner’s Emerging Media and Technologies Industry Update
- Intellectual Property Infringement in the NFT SpaceThe Cutting Edge: Warner’s Emerging Media and Technologies Industry Update
- Intellectual Property in Higher Education Part 2: Patents + CopyrightsThe Cutting Edge: Warner’s Emerging Media and Technologies Industry Update
- Intellectual Property in Higher Education Part 1: Trademarks + LicensingThe Cutting Edge: Warner’s Emerging Media and Technologies Industry Update
- The Cutting Edge: Warner’s Emerging Media and Technologies Industry UpdateThe Cutting Edge: Warner’s Emerging Media and Technologies Industry Update
- The Cutting Edge: Warner’s Emerging Media and Technologies Industry UpdateThe Cutting Edge: Warner’s Emerging Media and Technologies Industry Update
- Here Come the Gamers AgainAugmented Legality
- The Future of Augmented Advertising is NowAugmented Legality
- Pokemon Go Nuisance Settlement and the Future of Location-Based ARAugmented Legality
- Boyle'n Bulbasaurs! Pokemon Go Augments the Dockets of a Kentucky CourthouseAugmented Legality
- How to Win Half a Million Dollars from Magic LeapAugmented Legality
- IP Rights in Augmented Reality and Virtual RealityAugmented Legality
- Who wins when AR collides with property laws?Augmented Legality
- AR Developers: You Leap Too Far, You Leap AloneAugmented Legality
- Snapchat’s Speed Filter Opens the Door to LawsuitsAugmented Legality
- AR-Induced Trespass May Yet Be a ThingAugmented Legality
- Reality Barks, But Fails to BiteAugmented Legality
- Plain Contractual Language: A Reality That Can't Be AugmentedAugmented Legality
- AUGMENTED LEGALITY(R) Finds a New Home at WNJ.comAugmented Legality
- MITechNews Reports on Candy Lab v MilwaukeeAugmented Legality
- Kudos to Niantic for Anticipating Storms of Liability in Its New AR Gaming MechanicAugmented Legality
- Cleveland Roundtable Explores AR/VR Legal IssuesAugmented Legality
- Will Pokemon Go Evolve Into Customer Confusion?Augmented Legality
- Update on Candy Lab AR v. MilwaukeeAugmented Legality
- Legal and Regulatory Warnings for AR/VR StartupsAugmented Legality
- When Cars Talk to Each Other, Will Driver Privacy Suffer?Augmented Legality
- Game On: Candy Lab AR Files First Amendment Challenge to Milwaukee's Pokemon Go-Inspired OrdinanceAugmented Legality
- Why Lego Batman Disses Iron Man in His Movie, But Not in the TrailersAugmented Legality
- The Time Judge Gorsuch Brought Copyright Law Into the 21st CenturyAugmented Legality
- No Pokemon For You?Augmented Legality
- Milwaukee, Pokemon Go, and the First AmendmentAugmented Legality
- Congress Praises AR's Potential and Will Try to Stay Out of Its WayAugmented Legality
- The First Congressional Hearing on Augmented RealityAugmented Legality
- Second Life Redux: Another Perspective on Potentially Deceptive Advertising in Virtual RealityAugmented Legality
- Website Owners Beware — Ignoring This Rule Could Leave You on the Hook for Someone Else's Copyright InfringementAugmented Legality
- Virtual Reality Could Expose Automotive Companies to New Claims of False AdvertisingAugmented Legality
- Lawsuit Filed Against Snapchat for Distracted DrivingAugmented Legality
- Snap Into a Privacy Lawsuit!Augmented Legality
- Finding Friends is Fraught With Privacy PerilAugmented Legality
- Pokestops, Go Away – The Backlash Against Augmented Reality GamersAugmented Legality
- Why the Mugshots Case Matters Right NowAugmented Legality
- Pokemon GO and the Crisis on an Infinitely Augmented EarthAugmented Legality
- The New Axanar-Inspired Guidelines for Star Trek Fan FilmsAugmented Legality
- Supreme Court Gives Guidance on Award of Fees in Copyright CasesAugmented Legality
- Boston Globe Anticipates Augmented Reality Privacy IssuesAugmented Legality
- Save 40% on the 2016 Augmented World ExpoAugmented Legality
- Feeling Minnesota: Has Prince's Right of Publicity Disappeared?Augmented Legality
- Michigan Privacy Law: Detroit Free Press and DOJ Face Off Over MugshotsAugmented Legality
- New Resource for Michigan Lawyers: Trends in Business Court Practice [Video]Augmented Legality
- PODCAST: 2016 Update on the Right of PublicityAugmented Legality
- Rosa Parks' Legal Force Awakens, But Her Likeness Will Stay at TargetAugmented Legality
- Trademark Owners – Don't Get Scammed By These Deceptive InvoicesAugmented Legality
- God, Green Day, and Copyright – How Punk Rockers Affirmed Fair Use Rights in Worship ServicesAugmented Legality
- Tweet This to Win … a #Nastygram From the NADAugmented Legality
- International Summit on Augmented Reality in the Automotive Industry, Part 2: AR in Industrial ProcessesAugmented Legality
- International Summit on Augmented Reality in the Automotive Industry, Part 1: AR in Cars and the Augmented Driving InitiativeAugmented Legality
- Are Essential Oil Pins Deceptive Advertising?Augmented Legality
- Recently Published Applications for Virtual Reality TrademarksAugmented Legality
- Appeals Court Upholds Federal Trade Commission’s New Role as Privacy CopAugmented Legality
- VR Modeling Has a Lot of Benefits, But Copyright Isn't One of ThemAugmented Legality
- The Internet of Things Has No Clothes – A Defcon 23 SummaryAugmented Legality
- The Internet of Things That Eavesdrop and Invade PrivacyAugmented Legality
- Privacy and Connected CarsAugmented Legality
- FTC Responds to Questions on Social Media EndorsementsAugmented Legality
- Is Ascribe the Answer to the Web's Infringement Problem? [UPDATED]Augmented Legality
- Social Reading Raises New Copyright and Publicity Rights IssuesAugmented Legality
- Privacy, Law and Ethics in Augmented Reality Panel at AWE 2015 [VIDEO]Augmented Legality
- What Happens When My Software Provider Disappears?Augmented Legality
- When Can I Play a Radio or TV in Public Without a License? [Infographic]Augmented Legality
- Competitor's Ads Go Too Far? Kick 'Em into the NADAugmented Legality
- [VIDEO] Augmented Reality Law, Privacy and EthicsAugmented Legality
- Digital Evidence: Discovery, Authentication, and AdmissibilityAugmented Legality
- Get $400 Off Augmented World Expo or Win Free Tickets!Augmented Legality
- Privacy in Augmented RealityAugmented Legality
- Medical Implants and 3D Printing: Tomorrow's Tech Meets Today's Copyright ActAugmented Legality
- "Augmented Reality" By Any Other Name: Still as Sweet?Augmented Legality
- Top 5 Legal Issues in the Internet of Things, Part 5: Physical SafetyAugmented Legality
- Top 5 Legal Issues in the Internet of Things, Part 4: CopyrightAugmented Legality
- Top 5 Legal Issues in the Internet of Things, Part 3: BandwidthAugmented Legality
- Top 5 Legal Issues in the Internet of Things, Part 2: Data Collection and Invasion of PrivacyAugmented Legality
- Top 5 Legal Issues in the Internet of Things, Part 1: Data Security & PrivacyAugmented Legality
- Introducing the World's First Book on Augmented Reality Law!Augmented Legality
- Reciprocal Veillance – Seeing Who's Seeing YouAugmented Legality
- Michigan Court Adopts "No Harm, No Foul" Standard for Data BreachesAugmented Legality
- My Top Posts in 2014Augmented Legality
- An "Open Carry" Movement for Wearable Cameras?Augmented Legality
- LinkedIn Lawsuit Again Shows Personal Relationships Can Have Commercial ValueAugmented Legality
- You're Responsible for Copyright Infringement By Others on Your Website–Unless You've Done ThisAugmented Legality
- Instagram Harassment Justifies a PPOAugmented Legality
- Infographic: Copyright on the InternetAugmented Legality
- Digital Justice in DetroitAugmented Legality
- #Ebola vs. #HIPAA – Privacy During an EpidemicAugmented Legality
- Rampolla Calls Out AR Companies for Alleged AstroturfingAugmented Legality
- The Consequences of False Contact Info for Infringing WebsitesAugmented Legality
- Can Augmented Reality Be a Weapon Against Ebola?Augmented Legality
- Andy Ninh – Augmenting the Practice of LawAugmented Legality
- Skeletons of Empires: A Scenario for AR in 2020 [Video]Augmented Legality
- Rule 34 and Trademark DilutionAugmented Legality
- Could Apple Be Ready to Announce iGlasses?Augmented Legality
- Augmented Reality Games and Ethical DesensitizationAugmented Legality
- Telepresence in the CourtroomAugmented Legality
- Augmented … Rape? New Short Film Explores the Really Dark Side of ARAugmented Legality
- Read What You Click – Courts Are Enforcing Online Arbitration ProvisionsAugmented Legality
- Augmenting the Education of Disabled StudentsAugmented Legality
- App Developers Get More Guidance for Complying With COPPAAugmented Legality
- Augmented Reality and the Law of TrespassAugmented Legality
- Sacred Ground: When (Augmented) Worlds CollideAugmented Legality
- You Don't Have to Give in to Yelp! BulliesAugmented Legality
- Why Software Startups Need to Register Their Copyrights NowAugmented Legality
- Augmented AssaultAugmented Legality
- Landmark TTAB Decision Invalidates REDSKINS Trademark RegistrationsAugmented Legality
- Anonymous Social Media in the WorkplaceAugmented Legality
- FTC Testifies on Geolocation PrivacyAugmented Legality
- AWE 2014 in ReviewAugmented Legality
- Augment Your Breakfast With Learning at AWE 2014Augmented Legality
- Ingress AR Game Impacting Kansas Law Enforcement?Augmented Legality
- Field Agent – a Crowdsourced IP Enforcement ToolAugmented Legality
- State Business Courts – New Rules for Tech DisputesAugmented Legality
- EEOC Discusses Social Media in EmploymentAugmented Legality
- Wearable Devices as Copyright Enforcement ToolsAugmented Legality
- FTC: Social Media Contests Are Endorsements, Require DisclosureAugmented Legality
- Can I Augment That? 5 Targets to Be Wary of When Making ARAugmented Legality
- Drafting Social Media Policies in 2014Augmented Legality
- Opportunity to Study Privacy Law in Amsterdam This SummerAugmented Legality
- Who Watches the Machines Watching You?Augmented Legality
- More From The #Jury Box: The Latest on Juries and Social MediaAugmented Legality
- From the Archives: Augmented Reality as Free SpeechAugmented Legality
- I Need More of Your Feedback on Facial Recognition PrivacyAugmented Legality
- Google Glass and the TSAAugmented Legality
- More Voices Join the AR Law ConversationAugmented Legality
- Klout, Commercial Value, and the Right of PublicityAugmented Legality
- Proactively Protecting Your IP Across the GlobeAugmented Legality
- IP in an Augmented RealityAugmented Legality
- Augmented Reality Patents Are SkyrocketingAugmented Legality
- Augmented & Wearable Solutions to IoT Privacy ConcernsAugmented Legality
- Your Chance to Influence Facial Recognition Privacy Law!Augmented Legality
- Crime and Punishment in Online Gaming Communities (Guest Post)Augmented Legality
- A New Year Brings California Kids a Chance to Erase Their Internet Follies (Guest Post)Augmented Legality
- Minors Using Location-Based AR GamesAugmented Legality
- Digital Eyewear for Law EnforcementAugmented Legality
- Is the Pentagon Laying the Foundation of an Augmented World?Augmented Legality
- IP in an Augmented Reality (Podcast)Augmented Legality
- Pinterest Tightens Its Rules on ContestsAugmented Legality
- Floating Google Glass Stores? Unlikely. Instead, Follow the Patent.Augmented Legality
- 50% Off Webinar: Trademark Threats on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Other Social MediaAugmented Legality
- Book Review and Coupon: "Social Media and the Law"Augmented Legality
- Publication, Republication and Defamation Online (Guest Post)Augmented Legality
- Publicity Rights in Facial Recognition and Other Biometric DataAugmented Legality
- Walking in Snow: iBeacon, BLE, and PrivacyAugmented Legality
- Another Augmented Reality Gamer Arrested–But With Good Reason?Augmented Legality
- Judge's Anti-Facebook Rant Gets Child Pornographer's Sentence VacatedAugmented Legality
- New Kindle E-Book: "Social Media and School Discipline"Augmented Legality
- Judge Scales Back Jury's Award in First AR Patent Infringement VerdictAugmented Legality
- Augmenting the Gun DebateAugmented Legality
- Using LinkedIn Evidence in CourtAugmented Legality
- IP, Law and Ethics in Augmented Reality [VIDEO]Augmented Legality
- This is the Future of Augmented Reality? Let's Hope Not.Augmented Legality
- Augmented Reality's Intersection With Culture, Law, IP and Ethics [VIDEO]Augmented Legality
- My Interview from Augmented World Expo 2013 [VIDEO]Augmented Legality
- Social Media and Student Speech in Colleges and UniversitiesAugmented Legality
- What Marketing Professionals Need to Know About Augmented Reality LawAugmented Legality
- AR Troll's Patent Gets Re-ExaminedAugmented Legality
- Collegiate Catfishing Prank Rolls Two Students Out of Ball StateAugmented Legality
- Trademarks in the Augmented Reality IndustryAugmented Legality
- Double Whammy – Augmented Retailer Ditto Hit With Second Patent LawsuitAugmented Legality
- Augmented Reality Patent Troll At It AgainAugmented Legality
- Conference Speakers Should Follow FTC Guidelines for Sponsored Social Media PostsAugmented Legality
- Does Your Workplace Have a Sousveillance Policy?Augmented Legality
- Augmented Reality as Free Speech – A First Amendment AnalysisAugmented Legality
- Delete at Your Own Risk: Spoliation of Social Media EvidenceAugmented Legality
- Publicity Rights and LinkedIn – The Case of Eagle v. MorganAugmented Legality
- Staying Out of Trouble While Playing Augmented Reality GamesAugmented Legality
- How Lawyers Get Their Hands on "Private" Facebook PostsAugmented Legality
- Can a Court Force Me to Disclose My Facebook Password?Augmented Legality
- Fair Use, Copyright, and Social MediaAugmented Legality
- [Video] Panel Discussion on AR Civil & Criminal Legal Issues from ARE2012Augmented Legality
- Trademarks, Likelihood of Confusion, and Social MediaAugmented Legality
- Can Facebook Spam Be Canned?Augmented Legality
- Employees Lie, Get Busted on Facebook – But It's Their Boss That Gets FiredAugmented Legality
- Consumer Protection in Social MediaAugmented Legality
- How Social Media Law Developed in 2012Augmented Legality
- Persuading Facebook to Remove Misleading PagesAugmented Legality
- Augmented Reality Gamer Detained By PoliceAugmented Legality
- Get 20% Off Your Pass to the 2013 BlogWorld New Media Expo!Augmented Legality
- 10 Reasons NOT to "Declare" Your Copyrights and Privacy on FacebookAugmented Legality
- Can I Send Unsolicited Commercial Text Messages?Augmented Legality
- FTC Issues Best Practices for Facial Recognition PrivacyAugmented Legality
- Social Media Policies for Every Constituency: My Keynote at the Hawaii Social Media Summit [VIDEO]Augmented Legality
- Student Council President Vindicates Free Speech Rights on Facebook, But Removed AnywayAugmented Legality
- The Real Reason Walmart's Social Media Policy Survived and Costco's Didn't (Hint: It's Not "Defamation")Augmented Legality
- Sock Puppetry in Social Media: an Interview With Daniel SuarezAugmented Legality
- Patent Troll Launches Infringement Litigation War on Augmented Reality RetailersAugmented Legality
- Zugara Obtains Patent for Augmented Reality "Social Shopper"Augmented Legality
- Augmenting Perceptions of Society and SelfAugmented Legality
- A Hollywood Insider's Perspective on Location-Based AR and Physical InjuryAugmented Legality
- Judicial Conference Committee Releases Model Jury Instructions on Social Media UseAugmented Legality
- VOX: The 4D Summit – Augmented Reality for CreativesAugmented Legality
- Social Media Law for JudgesAugmented Legality
- Copyright in an Augmented RealityAugmented Legality
- Age-Restricted Advertising in Social Media: The Alcohol Industry's ApproachAugmented Legality
- Living in IPv6: What Happens When Everything & Everywhere Goes Online?Augmented Legality
- Tomita v. Nintendo: the First Augmented Reality Patent Infringement CaseAugmented Legality
- "Identity and Its Consequences": My Chapter in Westlaw's New BookAugmented Legality
- Bodies as IP: Does the Right of Publicity Objectify Women?Augmented Legality
- Cutting-Edge Diva: Virtual Assistants and the Right of PublicityAugmented Legality
- [In Brief] Federal Agencies Pulling Out the Stops to Regulate Mobile PrivacyAugmented Legality
- FCC Releases Report on Geolocational Privacy [ALERT]Augmented Legality
- ICANN Releases List of New gTLD Applications [ALERT]Augmented Legality
- For Your Social Media Policy, NLRB Says: Think WalmartAugmented Legality
- Invading Privacy With Wearable Video Recorders and AR EyewearAugmented Legality
- Is a Facebook "Like" First Amendment-Protected Speech? It's Complicated.Augmented Legality
- Announcing My New eBook, "Augmented Legality 1.0"Augmented Legality
- The Augmented Reality Event 2012: Day TwoAugmented Legality
- The Augmented Reality Event 2012: Day OneAugmented Legality
- Augmented Reality Eyewear & the Problem of PornAugmented Legality
- Socializing Over State Lines: Social Media as a Basis for Personal JurisdictionAugmented Legality
- My Interview on the AR Dirt Podcast – Plus a Discount Code to ARE2012!Augmented Legality
- Augmented Reality, Keyword Advertising, and TrademarksAugmented Legality
- Pinterest and Copyright: Repinning Is Not ReproductionAugmented Legality
- Analysis of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) ActAugmented Legality
- Will the Law Require Augmented Reality for the Disabled?Augmented Legality
- High School Ok'd to Suspend Student for Rapping About "Dirty" CoachesAugmented Legality
- Does Augmenting Art Infringe Its Copyright?Augmented Legality
- [UPDATE] 6th Circuit Copyright Cases in February 2012Augmented Legality
- White House and Advertisers Announce New Consumer Privacy StandardsAugmented Legality
- Stealing a Glance: Eye Tracking, AR, & PrivacyAugmented Legality
- New Resource: Updates on Copyright Litigation in the 6th CircuitAugmented Legality
- Report: Jurors' Misuse of Social Media Is a Real, but Addressable, ProblemAugmented Legality
- New Year Bring New Guidance from NLRB on Employees and Social MediaAugmented Legality
- Justice Department Agrees: First Amendment Protects the Right to Video PoliceAugmented Legality
- [INTERVIEW] BC "Heavy" Biermann: Taking Back Public Spaces With ARAugmented Legality
- SEC Releases Alert on Investment Adviser Use of Social MediaAugmented Legality
- Prediction Fulfilled(?): Supreme Court Turns Down Student Social Media CasesAugmented Legality
- Augmented Reality & Social Change: My Upcoming PresentationAugmented Legality
- My Interview on the Emily Rooney ShowAugmented Legality
- Would SOPA & PIPA Violate the First Amendment?Augmented Legality
- The First Three Social Media Cases of 2012Augmented Legality
- [RESOURCE] The Right of Publicity in MichiganAugmented Legality
- 5 Predictions for Social Media Law in 2012Augmented Legality
- 5 Predictions for Augmented Reality Law in 2012Augmented Legality
- Welcome "AR Dirt" to the BlogosphereAugmented Legality
- [VIDEO] My Presentation to the ARNY MeetupAugmented Legality
- This Week in Social Media Law: Dec. 23, 2011Augmented Legality
- Government Officials Behaving Badly in Social MediaAugmented Legality
- This Week in Augmented RealityAugmented Legality
- How I've Used Social Media in Trademark LitigationAugmented Legality
- Political Activism, Social Change, and Augmented RealityAugmented Legality
- Social Media in Child Custody CasesAugmented Legality
- Beyond Doritos: How Else Might AR Be Called "Deceptive"?Augmented Legality
- When Do Social Marketing Pranks Go Too Far?Augmented Legality
- And Now for Some Shameless Self-PromotionAugmented Legality
- First, They Came for the Doritos: AR Campaign Spurs Legal Complaint, With More to ComeAugmented Legality
- AR & the Law – My Presentation at the Mobile AR EventAugmented Legality
- More Social Media SackingsAugmented Legality
- (Updated) Think There's No Hurry to Patent Your AR Inventions?Augmented Legality
- Jurors and Social MediaAugmented Legality
- An Inauspicious Beginning to AR LitigationAugmented Legality
- Morals Clauses, Spokespeople, and Social MediaAugmented Legality
- Posting Videos of Police on YouTube: Protected by the First Amendment?Augmented Legality
- Private Schools and Social MediaAugmented Legality
- Augmented Reality, Political Groupthink, and Civil SocietyAugmented Legality
- NLRB Releases Detailed Memo Summarizing Its Social Media CasesAugmented Legality
- Social Media and Student Discipline in Public SchoolsAugmented Legality
- AR Addiction: Could Augmented Reality Get Too Immersive?Augmented Legality
- Some Employees' Online Rants Cross the Line: New Guidance From the NLRBAugmented Legality
- LinkedIn and LitigationAugmented Legality
- A Distinctive Touch: Augmented Textures and Haptic TrademarksAugmented Legality
- Google Maps Shows the Path to Avoiding Liability for User InjuriesAugmented Legality
- The Gangs of MySpace: Social Media Evidence in Gang ProsecutionsAugmented Legality
- Personal Jurisdiction: Can My AR App Get Me Sued in a Foreign State?Augmented Legality
- Legal Lessons Learned from the Corporate Social Media SummitAugmented Legality
- When Social Media Is Abused, Can It Be Part of the Solution, Too?Augmented Legality
- Brian Mullins of daqri: The Man Who Would Democratize ARAugmented Legality
- Everything Illuminated: Taggants as Ubiquitous AR Markers – Part 2Augmented Legality
- Employee Rights and Social Media – A Summary of NLRB Enforcement ActivityAugmented Legality
- A Trillion Points of Light? Taggants as Ubiquitous AR Markers – Part 1Augmented Legality
- Public Companies, Social Media, and SEC Regulation FDAugmented Legality
- Augmenting Automotive SafetyAugmented Legality
- Twitter Accounts as Brands: The OMGFacts LawsuitAugmented Legality
- ARE2011 – The Augmented Reality EventAugmented Legality
- No Augmenting Reality While Driving?Augmented Legality
- Augmented Reality Tattoos and Copyright LawAugmented Legality
- Roundup of Recent Social Media SackingsAugmented Legality
- Authenticating Social Media Evidence (Or, "Boozy, His Boo, and What Not to Do")Augmented Legality
- Projection Mapping, AR, and Architectural CopyrightsAugmented Legality
- Forget Facial Recognition–Body Recognition May Be the Real Privacy ConcernAugmented Legality
- Going Fishing on FacebookAugmented Legality
- Augmented Reality Games and Physical InjuryAugmented Legality
- O, Be Careful, Little Facebooker, What You LikeAugmented Legality
- V-discovery: Litigating in Augmented RealityAugmented Legality
- While You Were Sleeping… I Infringed Your Publicity Rights on FacebookAugmented Legality
- Defining Terms: What is Augmented Reality?Augmented Legality
- Evolving Standards of Online Decency?Augmented Legality
- The Coming Conundra: Real Laws In an Augmented RealityAugmented Legality
- Welcome!Augmented Legality
- Lansing Regional Chamber Business Education Series
- IAPP: Virtual Detroit KnowledgeNet
- Grand Rapids IT Symposium
- Augmented World Expo USA 2024
- Michigan State University Bioeconomy Institute’s ‘Patent 101’
- Michigan Food Processors Association 2024 Annual Meeting
- International Trademark Association 2024 Annual Meeting
- FEI Grand Rapids – Technology, AI and the Law: Leveraging Today’s Technology for Efficiency
- Traverse Connect Economic Strategy Session I: The 360 Degrees of Cybersecurity
- Legal Frontiers in IP Protection – Navigating Legislative Updates in Anti-Counterfeiting
- Intellectual Property Law Spring Seminar 2024
- A.I. and the Future: What You and Your Clients Should Know!
- Digifest Fall 2023
- SBAM Leadership Council Fall Summit
- TerraLex Intellectual Property, Licensing & Technology Virtual Session
- International Trademark Association 2023 Annual Meeting Live+
- International Trademark Association 2023 Annual Meeting Live+
- FBA’s “It Came from Online … ”
- Michigan Lawyers Weekly Hall of Fame Luncheon
- Human Rights in the Metaverse — Day 1 of Metaverse Safety Week 2022
- Emerging Intellectual Property Legal Trends for 2017 and Beyond
- RESCHEDULED–ACC Panel Discussion:
- Brian Wassom Joins INTA PAC Board
- Brian D. Wassom Certified as an AI Governance Professional
- Warner Leads Calumet Electronics to Secure Nearly $50 Million in Federal and State Incentive Packages
- Warner Partner Kelly Hollingsworth Honored by Michigan Lawyers Weekly
- Brian Wassom Discusses StockX Trademark Dispute with Crain’s Detroit Business
- ‘Nobody Is Immune:’ Nate Steed Discusses Cyberthreats With MiBiz
- Warner Attorney Charles E. Burpee Honored By Legal Aid of Western Michigan as First Recipient of Justice in Action Award
- Brian Wassom Interviewed on Hate Speech in Social Media on iHeart Radio
- Warner Welcomes Paul Engel
- Warner Attorney Charles E. Burpee Selected for Senior Neighbors 16 Over 60 Honor
- Brian D. Wassom Featured in Crain’s Cryptocurrency Article
- Warner Attorneys Discuss Supply Chain Issues at OESA’s South Carolina Regional Meeting
- Brian Wassom Discusses Elon Musk’s Twitter Acquisition with WOOD TV
- Brian D. Wassom Accepted to American Arbitration Association Panel
- Warner Names New Practice, Industry Group Leaders
- Warner Attorney Chuck Burpee Volunteers at the Grand Rapids Expungement Fair
- Bruski Named to the Business Council of the Midland County Inclusion Alliance
- Brian Wassom Named Chair of AIPLA Copyright Law Committee
- Joscelyn C. Boucher Named to Michigan Lawyers Weekly 2019 “Women in the Law”
- Brian Wassom Discusses Data Privacy in Automotive News
- Warner Partner Elected to Grand Rapids Public Library Foundation Board
- Emerging Intellectual Property Legal Trends for 2017 and Beyond
- Brian Wassom to Present on Trademark Violations on Social Media
- Warner Creates Emerging Media And Connected Devices Group
- Court Rules First Amendment Rights Extend To Augmented Reality Video Games
- Wisconsin Lawsuit Filed By Warner Could Set Precedent On AR Gaming Regs
- Is Your Company’s Insurance Ready for AI Challenges?
- Darabase Meets Brian Wassom to Discuss AR Technology
- Attorney Reviews: Apple Vision Pro
- Will Apple Vision Pro Open the Door to More AI Deepfake Scams?
- Financing Your Startup
- Warner’s Template AI Adoption Policy
- Brian Wassom Authors Crain’s Detroit Business Op-Ed Article on Artificial Intelligence
- Legal Tech News Features Brian Wassom’s Artificial Intelligence Article
- Artificial Intelligence or How the Terminator Started
- Relying on AI-Generated Text and Images? You May Be Building Your Copyright House on Sand
- Brian D. Wassom Authors Article for GRBJ on NFT Copyright Issues
- Legal Issues With Commercial Drone Photography
- Intellectual Property Infringement in the NFT Space
- Intellectual Property in Higher Education Part 2: Patents + Copyrights
- DOJ Formally Ends Trump Administration’s China Initiative
- Intellectual Property in Higher Education Part 1: Trademarks + Licensing
- DOJ Focuses on Cryptocurrency Crime
- The Cutting Edge: Warner’s Emerging Media and Technologies Industry Update
- The Cutting Edge: Warner’s Emerging Media and Technologies Industry Update
- Here Come the Gamers Again
- The Future of Augmented Advertising is Now
- Pokemon Go Nuisance Settlement and the Future of Location-Based AR
- Boyle'n Bulbasaurs! Pokemon Go Augments the Dockets of a Kentucky Courthouse
- How to Win Half a Million Dollars from Magic Leap
- IP Rights in Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
- Who wins when AR collides with property laws?
- AR Developers: You Leap Too Far, You Leap Alone
- Snapchat’s Speed Filter Opens the Door to Lawsuits
- AR-Induced Trespass May Yet Be a Thing
- Reality Barks, But Fails to Bite
- Plain Contractual Language: A Reality That Can't Be Augmented
- AUGMENTED LEGALITY(R) Finds a New Home at WNJ.com
- MITechNews Reports on Candy Lab v Milwaukee
- Kudos to Niantic for Anticipating Storms of Liability in Its New AR Gaming Mechanic
- Cleveland Roundtable Explores AR/VR Legal Issues
- Will Pokemon Go Evolve Into Customer Confusion?
- Update on Candy Lab AR v. Milwaukee
- Legal and Regulatory Warnings for AR/VR Startups
- When Cars Talk to Each Other, Will Driver Privacy Suffer?
- Game On: Candy Lab AR Files First Amendment Challenge to Milwaukee's Pokemon Go-Inspired Ordinance
- Why Lego Batman Disses Iron Man in His Movie, But Not in the Trailers
- The Time Judge Gorsuch Brought Copyright Law Into the 21st Century
- No Pokemon For You?
- Milwaukee, Pokemon Go, and the First Amendment
- Congress Praises AR's Potential and Will Try to Stay Out of Its Way
- The First Congressional Hearing on Augmented Reality
- Second Life Redux: Another Perspective on Potentially Deceptive Advertising in Virtual Reality
- Website Owners Beware — Ignoring This Rule Could Leave You on the Hook for Someone Else's Copyright Infringement
- Virtual Reality Could Expose Automotive Companies to New Claims of False Advertising
- Lawsuit Filed Against Snapchat for Distracted Driving
- Snap Into a Privacy Lawsuit!
- Finding Friends is Fraught With Privacy Peril
- Pokestops, Go Away – The Backlash Against Augmented Reality Gamers
- Why the Mugshots Case Matters Right Now
- Pokemon GO and the Crisis on an Infinitely Augmented Earth
- The New Axanar-Inspired Guidelines for Star Trek Fan Films
- Supreme Court Gives Guidance on Award of Fees in Copyright Cases
- Boston Globe Anticipates Augmented Reality Privacy Issues
- Save 40% on the 2016 Augmented World Expo
- Feeling Minnesota: Has Prince's Right of Publicity Disappeared?
- Michigan Privacy Law: Detroit Free Press and DOJ Face Off Over Mugshots
- New Resource for Michigan Lawyers: Trends in Business Court Practice [Video]
- PODCAST: 2016 Update on the Right of Publicity
- Rosa Parks' Legal Force Awakens, But Her Likeness Will Stay at Target
- The Internet of Things That Eavesdrop and Invade Privacy
- Privacy, Law and Ethics in Augmented Reality Panel at AWE 2015 [VIDEO]
- What Happens When My Software Provider Disappears?
- When Can I Play a Radio or TV in Public Without a License? [Infographic]
- Get $400 Off Augmented World Expo or Win Free Tickets!
- Privacy in Augmented Reality
- Medical Implants and 3D Printing: Tomorrow's Tech Meets Today's Copyright Act
- "Augmented Reality" By Any Other Name: Still as Sweet?
- Top 5 Legal Issues in the Internet of Things, Part 5: Physical Safety
- Top 5 Legal Issues in the Internet of Things, Part 4: Copyright
- Top 5 Legal Issues in the Internet of Things, Part 3: Bandwidth
- Top 5 Legal Issues in the Internet of Things, Part 2: Data Collection and Invasion of Privacy
- Top 5 Legal Issues in the Internet of Things, Part 1: Data Security & Privacy
- Introducing the World's First Book on Augmented Reality Law!
- Reciprocal Veillance – Seeing Who's Seeing You
- Michigan Court Adopts "No Harm, No Foul" Standard for Data Breaches
- My Top Posts in 2014
- An "Open Carry" Movement for Wearable Cameras?
- LinkedIn Lawsuit Again Shows Personal Relationships Can Have Commercial Value
- You're Responsible for Copyright Infringement By Others on Your Website–Unless You've Done This
- Instagram Harassment Justifies a PPO
- Infographic: Copyright on the Internet
- Digital Justice in Detroit
- #Ebola vs. #HIPAA – Privacy During an Epidemic
- Rampolla Calls Out AR Companies for Alleged Astroturfing
- The Consequences of False Contact Info for Infringing Websites
- Can Augmented Reality Be a Weapon Against Ebola?
- Andy Ninh – Augmenting the Practice of Law
- Skeletons of Empires: A Scenario for AR in 2020 [Video]
- Rule 34 and Trademark Dilution
- Could Apple Be Ready to Announce iGlasses?
- Augmented Reality Games and Ethical Desensitization
- Telepresence in the Courtroom
- Augmented … Rape? New Short Film Explores the Really Dark Side of AR
- Read What You Click – Courts Are Enforcing Online Arbitration Provisions
- Augmenting the Education of Disabled Students
- App Developers Get More Guidance for Complying With COPPA
- Augmented Reality and the Law of Trespass
- Sacred Ground: When (Augmented) Worlds Collide
- You Don't Have to Give in to Yelp! Bullies
- Why Software Startups Need to Register Their Copyrights Now
- Augmented Assault
- Landmark TTAB Decision Invalidates REDSKINS Trademark Registrations
- Anonymous Social Media in the Workplace
- FTC Testifies on Geolocation Privacy
- AWE 2014 in Review
- Augment Your Breakfast With Learning at AWE 2014
- Ingress AR Game Impacting Kansas Law Enforcement?
- Field Agent – a Crowdsourced IP Enforcement Tool
- State Business Courts – New Rules for Tech Disputes
- EEOC Discusses Social Media in Employment
- Wearable Devices as Copyright Enforcement Tools
- FTC: Social Media Contests Are Endorsements, Require Disclosure
- Can I Augment That? 5 Targets to Be Wary of When Making AR
- Drafting Social Media Policies in 2014
- Opportunity to Study Privacy Law in Amsterdam This Summer
- Who Watches the Machines Watching You?
- More From The #Jury Box: The Latest on Juries and Social Media
- From the Archives: Augmented Reality as Free Speech