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Mary Jo

  • Of Counsel

Tax-Qualified Retirement Plans

  • Consulted on de-risking options for $500 million plan.
  • Managed all legal aspects of lump-sum window to de-risk $150 million pension plan.
  • Implemented several lump-window programs for pension plans ranging in size from $100 million + to $1 billion + to reduce PBGC premiums and address funding volatility.
  • Prepared unifying plan document simplifying the merger of four dissimilar and complex defined benefit pension plans with $220 million in assets, including consolidation of multiple benefit forms and actuarial assumptions in view of the anti-cutback rules.
  • Carried out an operational audit of all of client’s pension, 401(k)/profit-sharing, welfare and executive compensation plans

Tax-Qualified Retirement Plans

  • Consulted on de-risking options for $500 million plan.
  • Managed all legal aspects of lump-sum window to de-risk $150 million pension plan.
  • Implemented several lump-window programs for pension plans ranging in size from $100 million + to $1 billion + to reduce PBGC premiums and address funding volatility.
  • Prepared unifying plan document simplifying the merger of four dissimilar and complex defined benefit pension plans with $220 million in assets, including consolidation of multiple benefit forms and actuarial assumptions in view of the anti-cutback rules.
  • Carried out an operational audit of all of client’s pension, 401(k)/profit-sharing, welfare and executive compensation plans (including a nonqualified deferred compensation plan and match plan); developed a work plan to resolve all the issues uncovered.
  • Determined and helped implement corrections and completed IRS voluntary compliance program process on multiple 401(k) loan violations in four plans withmore than$1 billion in assets.
  • Terminated a $100 million pension plan, including IRS submission, PBGC filings and various required participant notices.
  • Analyzed and prepared reportable event filings and PBGC 4010 filings for dividends paid to Japanese parent by a sister company and funding shortfall for a $150 million defined benefit plan.
  • Designed and implemented top-to-bottom governance process for a 401(k) plan and pension plan with combined $1.8 billion in assets.
  • Designed RFP process and negotiated new vendor agreements for client with combined 401(a) profit-sharing, 403(b) and 457(b) assets of $50+ million in assets.
  • Revised investment adviser’s service agreements for compliance with the reporting requirements under ERISA 408(b)(2).
  • Counseled investment adviser on risks associated with trying to capture participant rollovers from plan already under advisement.
  • Resolved issues with respect to Puerto Rico employees participating in U.S. 401(k) and pension plans.

Executive Compensation

  • Advised on and drafted an equity-type incentive compensation plan and grants for a significant start-up joint venture organized as an LLC.
  • Advised a large tax-exempt entity on disposition of a nonqualified 457(b) plan upon the entity’s acquisition by a taxable entity.
  • Prepared documentation for incentive compensation plan for bank client based on achievement of financial targets.
  • Helped correct, under 409A correction procedures, an employer’s failure to properly determine SERP benefits.
  • Prepared restricted stock unit plan and related grant agreements for a large real estate company.
  • Reviewed and updated bank company incentive compensation plans to comply with TARP.
  • Revised grants under an omnibus stock plan for stock options and restricted stock units for a publicly traded company.
  • Updated executive incentive compensation plan of mutual insurance company (with more than $5 billion in underwritten premiums) with units based on paid-in surplus.
  • Worked with UK counsel on determining whether deferred compensation by U.S. citizen earned for work in UK but paid by U.S. company should be treated as “disguised remuneration” under UK law when assets are in a U.S. rabbi trust.
  • Resolved 409A treatment of global retirement plans with an offshore rabbi trust.
  • Rollovers and the Revived DOL Fiduciary ‘Rule’,” Warner Webinar (May 24, 2022)
  • Fiduciary Duties Under DOL PTE 2020-02 and Rollover Practices,” Warner Virtual CCO Roundtable (September 1, 2021)
  • SEC Exams During COVID-19,” Warner Virtual CCO Roundtable (June 2, 2021)
  • “Tips and Traps: Executive Compensation and the Tangled Web of 409A,” FEI Detroit (October 8, 2019)
  • “Employee Benefits Panel,” Warner 2019 HR Executive Panels, Midland, Michigan (October 1, 2019)
  • “Retirement Plan Communications,” Warner Human Resources Seminar, Grand Rapids, Michigan (May 7, 2019)
  • “Employee Benefits Panel,” Warner 2018 HR Executives Panel, Midland, Michigan (September 19, 2018)
  • “Myth or Truth: Employee Benefits Panel,” Warner Labor & Benefits Executive Panels, Midland, Michigan (October 6, 2017)
  • “Engaging Your Employees,” Warner Human Resources Seminar, Grand Rapids, Michigan (May 23, 2017)
  • “Managing an Evolving Workforce” and “Attracting and Retaining Millennials,” Warner Labor & Benefits Executive Panel, Midland and Novi, Michigan (October 25 and November 2, 2016)
  • “Legal Update,” Detroit Chapter ISCEBS, Livonia, Michigan (October 13, 2016)
  • “Corrections Program” and “Structuring an Effective Retirement Committee,” Warner Human Resources Seminar, Grand Rapids, Michigan (June 9, 2016)
  • Labor & Benefits Executive Panel, Warner Seminar, Midland, Michigan (October 7, 2015) and Troy, Michigan (October 26, 2015)
  • “Worker Classification – Do You Have the Full Story?,” Warner Human Resources Seminar, Grand Rapids, Michigan (April 20, 2015)
  • Employee Benefits/Executive Compensation Panel, Labor and Benefits Executive Panel-Government Enforcement Initiatives, Midland, Michigan (September 23, 2014) and Southfield, Michigan (October 2, 2014)
  • “Target Date Funds – Not So Simple,” ASPPA Benefits Council of Detroit and State Bar of Michigan (May 7, 2014)
  • “Exposing the Intricacies of Managed Account Programs and the Evolution of Lifetime Income Products,” ERISA Workshop sponsored by DiMeo Schneider & Associates, LLC (April 23, 2014)
  • “HR and Benefits Executive Panel,” Warner Human Resources Seminar (October 9, 2013), Midland, Michigan and  Birmingham, Michigan (October 15, 2013)
  • “Regulatory Updates,” DiMeo Schneider & Associates, LLC Investor’s Conference (September 25, 2013)
  • “6 Steps to Better Governance of Benefit Plans,” Employment Outlook & Strategy Seminar (October 2, 2012)
  • “2012 – The Year of the ERISA Fiduciary,” Warner Human Resources Seminar 2012 (May 2, 2012)
  • “2011 Fiduciary Changes – What Is An Employer To Do?,” joint webinar with Westminster Consulting, LLC (April 12, 2011)
  • “Employer Stock in 401(k) Plans,” Warner Human Resources Seminar 2010 (March 23, 2010)
  • “Employee Benefits in Challenging Times” presented to TEC 19 (March 26, 2009)
  • “Changes Affecting Incentive Compensation and Equity-Based Compensation,” Institute of Continuing Legal Education (October 9, 2007)
  • “The Long Reach of 409A – Complying with the New Deferred Compensation Rules and the Newly Issued Final Regulations,” Michigan Association of Certified Public Accountants CPE Mega Conference (May 23, 2007)
  • “The Staggered Remedial Amendment Period,” Great Lakes Area TE/GE Council Panel Presentation (April 2007)
Image for Mary Jo Larson

Mary Jo

  • Of Counsel

My admin

  • Rollovers and the Revived DOL Fiduciary ‘Rule’,” Warner Webinar (May 24, 2022)
  • Fiduciary Duties Under DOL PTE 2020-02 and Rollover Practices,” Warner Virtual CCO Roundtable (September 1, 2021)
  • SEC Exams During COVID-19,” Warner Virtual CCO Roundtable (June 2, 2021)
  • “Tips and Traps: Executive Compensation and the Tangled Web of 409A,” FEI Detroit (October 8, 2019)
  • “Employee Benefits Panel,” Warner 2019 HR Executive Panels, Midland, Michigan (October 1, 2019)
  • “Retirement Plan Communications,” Warner Human Resources Seminar, Grand Rapids, Michigan (May 7, 2019)
  • “Employee Benefits Panel,” Warner 2018 HR Executives Panel, Midland, Michigan (September 19, 2018)
  • “Myth or Truth: Employee Benefits Panel,” Warner Labor & Benefits Executive Panels, Midland, Michigan (October 6, 2017)
  • “Engaging Your Employees,” Warner Human Resources Seminar, Grand Rapids, Michigan (May 23, 2017)
  • “Managing an Evolving Workforce” and “Attracting and Retaining Millennials,” Warner Labor & Benefits Executive Panel, Midland and Novi, Michigan (October 25 and November 2, 2016)
  • “Legal Update,” Detroit Chapter ISCEBS, Livonia, Michigan (October 13, 2016)
  • “Corrections Program” and “Structuring an Effective Retirement Committee,” Warner Human Resources Seminar, Grand Rapids, Michigan (June 9, 2016)
  • Labor & Benefits Executive Panel, Warner Seminar, Midland, Michigan (October 7, 2015) and Troy, Michigan (October 26, 2015)
  • “Worker Classification – Do You Have the Full Story?,” Warner Human Resources Seminar, Grand Rapids, Michigan (April 20, 2015)
  • Employee Benefits/Executive Compensation Panel, Labor and Benefits Executive Panel-Government Enforcement Initiatives, Midland, Michigan (September 23, 2014) and Southfield, Michigan (October 2, 2014)
  • “Target Date Funds – Not So Simple,” ASPPA Benefits Council of Detroit and State Bar of Michigan (May 7, 2014)
  • “Exposing the Intricacies of Managed Account Programs and the Evolution of Lifetime Income Products,” ERISA Workshop sponsored by DiMeo Schneider & Associates, LLC (April 23, 2014)
  • “HR and Benefits Executive Panel,” Warner Human Resources Seminar (October 9, 2013), Midland, Michigan and  Birmingham, Michigan (October 15, 2013)
  • “Regulatory Updates,” DiMeo Schneider & Associates, LLC Investor’s Conference (September 25, 2013)
  • “6 Steps to Better Governance of Benefit Plans,” Employment Outlook & Strategy Seminar (October 2, 2012)
  • “2012 – The Year of the ERISA Fiduciary,” Warner Human Resources Seminar 2012 (May 2, 2012)
  • “2011 Fiduciary Changes – What Is An Employer To Do?,” joint webinar with Westminster Consulting, LLC (April 12, 2011)
  • “Employer Stock in 401(k) Plans,” Warner Human Resources Seminar 2010 (March 23, 2010)
  • “Employee Benefits in Challenging Times” presented to TEC 19 (March 26, 2009)
  • “Changes Affecting Incentive Compensation and Equity-Based Compensation,” Institute of Continuing Legal Education (October 9, 2007)
  • “The Long Reach of 409A – Complying with the New Deferred Compensation Rules and the Newly Issued Final Regulations,” Michigan Association of Certified Public Accountants CPE Mega Conference (May 23, 2007)
  • “The Staggered Remedial Amendment Period,” Great Lakes Area TE/GE Council Panel Presentation (April 2007)