Videos and Podcasts
- Litigation Strengths: Subject Matter ExpertiseIn the Know: Warner's Litigation Spotlight
- Michigan Court of Claims Reinstates Earned Sick Time Act and Improved Workforce Opportunity Wage Act As Originally AdoptedWarner Employment News from the Law Shanty
- Beyond the Policy: A Full-day Insurance Coverage Program
- Webinar — A Return to the Earned Sick Time Act and Improved Workforce Opportunity Wage Act as Originally Adopted
- Carly Zagaroli Appointed to Michigan Women Forward West Michigan Advisory Council
- Charles N. Ash Appointed to Michigan Colleges Alliance Board of Trustees
- Two Warner Partners Named to Crain’s 2023 Notable West Michigan Lawyers
- Warner Selected as USLAW NETWORK Member Firm
- Litigation Strengths: Subject Matter Expertise
- UPDATE: Telehealth in a Changing World – Mitigating Risks
- Michigan Court of Claims Reinstates Earned Sick Time Act and Improved Workforce Opportunity Wage Act As Originally Adopted
- Supreme Court Decisions Leave Employers Guessing
- MI Federal Court Allows Salon’s Covid-19 Insurance Case to Proceed in Court Under Communicable Disease Provision